Welcome to the ortho•graphics Maxilla viewer demonstration.
Using our newest viewer and web based Digital Study Model Manager you can access your digital models from any computer that has internet access. It's as simple as 1, 2, 3.
1. Install Orthographics viewer. 2. Log in to Digital Study Model Manager to select sample study model to view. 3. Work with the study model.
Click the Download button below and then click "Run" when prompted and accept the defaults of the installation program. You may also need to grant permission to install the program.
This is a prerelease of Maxilla for Mac, unlike the PC version the models must first be saved then opened via the Maxilla viewer. Most of the functions are enabled: rotating, preset views, adjust lower jaw, printing, zoom & pan. Additional functions to be activated soon. Now you can enjoy viewing ortho-graphics on your Mac.
User Name: sample1
Password: 12345This is the sample database where you may select one of four sample study models to view.
Click the green arrow
to download and display the selected study model in the viewer. Click "Open" when prompted, you may also need to grant permission to download the study model.
Viewer tip: Hold down the left mouse button and drag to rotate the models
Try all the different features and see how uncomplicated it is to use. Please call or email with any questions.